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glove-fetish-guide - sexy
women and girls

Beautiful Stern Ladies all Wearing Leather Gloves!
Passion - A leather site
that includes glove galleries and glove links
Gloveshots Classic - Colour and
black and white galleries.
for Glove Fashion - Deanna Black's fashion galleries
The Gloves Resources
As the title suggests, a good glove resource guide
Models in Vogue - Galleries
from the 80's and early 90's. Mousequetaired being
the posh term for Opera Glove.
Falling in Glove - 2 more lovely
galleries from Sharon
Women wearing Leather Gloves - Originally set up in
1997. No updates for a long time, but lots of lovely
pics if you've not seen it before.
For the Love of Opera Gloves
- Joe's mammoth collection of opera gloved celebrities which is
regularly update
Dark Lady - Lots of information to be found at
this site, but famed for its story collection. When
you've finally read them all, we hope to see you again.